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“The more you sit in the Self, the more you will begin to feel an energy that you have never experienced before.A� It comes up from behind, rather than in front where you experience your mind and emotions.A� When you are no longer absorbed online in your melodrama but, instead, sit comfortably deep inside the seat of awareness, you will start to feel this flow of energy coming up from deep within.A� This flow has been called Shakti.A� This flow has been called Spirit.A� This is what you begin to experience if you hang out with the Self instead of hanging out with inner disturbances.A� You don’t have to get rid of loneliness; you just cease to be involved with it.A� It’s just another thing in the universe, like cats, grass, and the stars.A� It’s none of your business.A� Just let things go.A� That’s what the Self does.A� Awareness does not fight; awareness releases.A� Awareness is simply aware while everything in the universe parades before it.
If you sit within the Self, you will experience the strength of your inner being even when your heart feels weak.A� This is the essence of the path.A� This is the essence of a spiritual life.A� Once you learn that it’s okay to feel inner disturbances, and that they can no longer disturb your seat of consciousness, you will be free.A� You will begin to be sustained by the inner energy flow that comes from behind you.A� When you have tasted the ecstasy of the inner flow, you can walk in this world and Pills the world will never touch you.A� That’s how you become a free being ~ you transcend.”
Read more from “The Untethered Soul“.
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