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What images come to your mind when you think about your body? Do you have a relationship with it? How do you want your body to look, to feel, to perform? Do you have a vision for it? Is your body well cared for? Do you have a plan for maintaining it in good working condition?
The Awakening Body Joy workshop is designed to support you in developing a conscious and sacred relationship with your body in order to create a compelling vision of how you would like your body to be. In this program, you will begin working from the inside out to:
A� A� A� A� A�~ create a clear vision that represents your truth for your body, and
A� A� A� A� A�~ discover how to manifest that vision by creating a body well-being program A� A� A� A� A� A� A� A� A� personally suited to your needs.
We do this by using body dialogue and guided visualization exercises, movement, and journaling.
The Awakening Body Joy workshop is more than just a program; it is an experiential learning process which puts you in touch with your body. It is a time to check in with your body, all the while gaining extraordinary information from your bodya��s wisdom.
What should I bring? A journal, yoga mat or blanket, pillow, water, and an open heart.
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