The Infinite Way

JOEL S. GOLDSMITH (1892-1964), was an important teacher of practical mysticism, and devoted most of his life to the discovery and teaching of spiritual principles which he founded and called “The Infinite Way.” Goldsmith self-published his most famous work, “The Infinite Way” in 1947 based on letters to patients and students. In this collection of important essays Goldsmith describes the spiritual truth as he gleaned it though over thirty years of study of the major religions and philosophies of all the ages. He assures his readers that inner peace will come as one turns to the spiritual consciousness of life, and an outer calm will follow one’s human affairs as a result.

Author: Joel S. Goldsmith

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Jewel in the Lotus

Peace is our natural condition.  Only by believing an untrue thought is it possible to move from peace into emotions like sadness and anger.  Without the pull of beliefs, the mind stays serenely in itself and is available for whatever comes along.
— Byron Katie